
The Convenience of Conservation

Sustainability? What’s that? 
(I’m just kidding.)

As a term that has become overused, overworked and cliché, “sustainability” now haunts us in our sleep, classes and everyday life. We are force fed daily doses of commercials, tv shows, news reports, and advertisements which advocate sustainable and responsible living, while sometimes guilting us (or deceiving us) into investing in “environmentally friendly practices.” The latest fad for advertisers seems to be adding the words, “energy efficient,” or “environmentally responsible” to their products, while the term “global warming” immediately begins a heated (no pun intended) global debate.
Don’t get me wrong; I sincerely think environmental living is important. I just think that there must be a more interesting and inviting way to portray it. 
It’s true that most people are completely out of touch with nature; it is extremely difficult these days to stay grounded in a natural environment when we have created an environment which is anything but natural. Concrete towers, glass and mirror buildings, faux wood panelling on the walls and the floors--all of these things are so clearly manmade, designed BY man FOR man, without concern for what else resides within or around a city. However, I don’t think that people are unaware of environmental concerns. I know that I make a conscious effort to recycle, to turn of the lights, to walk when possible or take public transit, to carpool and donate unwanted clothes and drive a fairly fuel-efficient car and turn off the tap and buy products with less packaging. In fact, for most people, this list could continue for days! Instead, I think the lack of interest in environmental initiatives like Sustainability Week revolve around the concept of “big changes.” Most people, myself included, aren’t interested in giving up their TV, grocery store, cell phone, shopping mall, and computer to move to the wilderness and become a tree hugger by day and food scavenger by night. In short, it is the convenience aspect which discourages people.
In most cases, we aren’t asked to give up our current lifestyles; we are just asked to adjust them according to the needs of the world as whole. However, there will always be those extremists who live in trees and never shower, which give the entire “sustainable living” idea a bad rap, especially to our possession-oriented culture.
In my opinion, the sustainability issue needs to take baby-steps with the public (even though the issue is becoming increasingly urgent.) Encourage us to recycle and do the small things first, until we get the hang of it--then move up to the bigger things, like solar panels as energy sources. 
Use interesting advertising techniques (such as the “Wanted: juice box outside City Hall” commercials), provide incentives do be earth-friendly (perhaps rebates for households who reduce their energy consumption) and make it easier for people to participate in otherwise difficult projects (like community compost initiatives). The government, in all of its forms, needs to take a stand too, by regulating emissions and encouraging environmentalism, even if it inconveniences the shareholders.  And finally, people need to become aware of the natural environment they are currently missing, even if that means planting a single tree outside a municipal building.
As it addresses an issue that affects everyone (whether they live in a bustling city or in a sheltered cave on a hillside), Sustainability Week should be an influential event for the University! And with an important civil election just ending in Edmonton (as well as in Calgary, my hometown), innovative sustainability should’ve been a frontrunner on each candidates agenda. It’s not that the public isn’t interested in sustainability; they just need a little encouragement. 

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